Garbage Collection

Garbage Collection

BMI is pleased to inform you that we will be your new Garbage collector starting February 2024.

Your pick up days are as follows:
Monday – Grub Road, Ripples, Douglas Harbour, Grand Lake, Newcastle Creek, Albrights Corner, Little River Bridge Area, Lake area
Tuesday – Route 10, Parish of Chipman, Village of Chipman, Post Road (Chipman side), Salmon River, Gaspereau, Coal Creek, Heath to Chipman
Wednesday – Minto, Post Road at Midland Road (Minto side), New Zion, Evans Road, Lake Road, Upton street, Yeamans Road, Minto side of the Heath
Thursday – Noonan

Please follow these simple guidelines so that we can serve you. 

  • All garbage is to be properly bagged and tied / no loose debris.
  • Garbage is to be roadside at 6am.
  • No construction materials or automotive parts/tires will be picked up.

There is no special cleanup day for Spring and Fall. Contact BMI at 506-209-0669 to make pick up arrangements for large items (9 per year per household)

FERO Waste and Recycling picks up recycling the third week of every month. To confirm your pickup day, or to receive the blue and grey boxes, please call them at 506-472-3376.

Recycling Transition to Circular Materials
New Brunswick is the first Atlantic province to transition to EPR which is recognized as one of the most effective ways to improve recycling rates and advance a circular economy where materials are looped back into the system to be used again as recycled content in new packaging and products. Read more at the fact sheet below!

FoodCycler – The In-Home Food Waste Diversion Program
The Municipality of Grand Lake is tackling food waste by piloting FoodCycler™ technology in our homes.

The FoodCycler offers 90% reduction in food waste volume and 95% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from food waste. Did you know that up to 50% of household waste is composed of food waste? By helping Grand Lake address food waste, you are supporting your community’s environmental initiatives, while reducing your carbon footprint. See below for the results of our Municipal Pilot Program with FoodCycler Canada!